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Lis ✦ CEO from Dúo Falopa
Little guy who loves crackers, cookies and idols! ᓚᘏᗢ ✦
✦; Info!



✦; she/they · ella/-a

✦; 18↑

✦; Hispanic. ESP/ENG ok! Struggling with 日本語 (• ▽ •;)

✦; RT heavy. Likes may contain R15 and R18 !!

✦; Mostly RTs! But feel free to interact anytime


✦; Enstars is my main fandom, expect heavy spam abt it

✦; Rants in Spanish

✦; Keyboard smash

✦; I don't talk too much because of my social anxiety!! but I try my best

✦; My claim about fiction is: "Fiction can affect reality, but it's important to mark limits and learn to differentiate them. Someone's fictional interests may not reflect how they behave in real life. I won't judge someone's fictional preferences until proven to be harmful in real life, with real actions."


✦; LGBT+phobic, racist, ableist, etc.

✦; Disrespect other people's harmless opinions

✦; Harass or death threat people for any reason

✦; Discourse

✦; Support cancel culture and "ratio"

✦; Support NFTs

Why am I blocked?

✦; I block everything that makes me uncomfortable. Some reasons may be: you fit my DNI, I fit your DNI (to avoid interacting accidentally), you said something that bothered me or you were trapped in a chain block!

✦; If you think you've been blocked by accident, please contact me and I'll gladly unblock you