- Multifandom account. I think and talk about a lot of subjects but I will try and keep it less political more fandom
- Is adult, so do not be surprised if you may see nsfw content. I’ll try not to because I don’t like visual nsfw.
- Free to FUB
- Anti harassment and pro mind your own business. I will block ppl whom I see harrassing and being needlessly rude to others, similarly to those enable their friends' harrassing.
- My Japanese is n2 level. But lazy, IQ dropping, reading more.
Got bullied to get on to twitter. Someone teach me to use this thing.
Main fandoms: EXILE tribe, otome games, niche manga all over the place, Hetalia, Pokemon, spandex bugmen and magical girls
Im open to other games too! I play Neo TWEWY, action RPGs like Nier, non Otome VNs like Tsukihime, desperately awaiting for that Black myth wukong game...
I’m also BIG MORPATH simp and will not shut up about Uesugi Leiji’s brilliant mind, bye Otomate bye big commercial games companies indies is the way
Main Ships:
- Rocketshipping(Kojimusa/J&J), love them since child, stop trying to turn it problematic I will smack you
- Ive no choice but to add it now, but 冥かな (Myouga Leiji x Kohinata Kanade), all dynamic.
- BloodAli
……and amazingly that is it. I’m cool with a lot of things but this is the one I’m most into. Despite being into otome games lol.
Also im bad at having an oshi. If you see me say I hate a character affectionately that's probably my favorite character.
**I only play otomege in Japanese sorry**
Favourite games:
La corda series, Amnesia series, Harukanaru 3, Club suicide, InLove(Otaku Romcom), Shuuen no Virche, Tokyo 24ku, Tsukihime, Watajuu
+Angelique Luminarize(long)
+QR Cinderella
+Horrible. Mostly defunct games. Sorry my psp cannot umd anymore so you can guess where this is going.