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男Vtuberとして準備中の甕星(みかぼし)エトです!ゲーム配信やポーカー、麻雀等のボドゲやリスナーさんが来てくれれば雑談でおしゃべりしたいなーと思ってます。母さん@harukaze_miiya 父さん@NoahElixia ロゴ@esel_luvka youtube https://t.co/geq0OebFQ3
自己紹介🌟 Introduce my self




良ければお手伝いお願いします<(_ _)>


Hello, nice to meet you🌟

I am Eto Mikaboshi, from the Japanese God world, to then offer entertainments to the Gods.

My goal is to have a good time whis you, which will bring entertainment to God.

I'm a beginner who just started learning English and I'm studying with kson's videos and Duolingo!

Right now I'm still getting help from DeepL to make sentences, but I'll try my best to talk normally with you guys one day!

I'd be happy to help🌟





・『料理熟練者部門』 料理普段やるよ、基本的に自作の物を投稿と言う方はこちら!

・『料理初心者部門』 普段料理やらないけどこの機会にやるよ、既製品も使うけど


・『飯テロリスト部門』 お店の料理を投稿するよという方はこちら!





















タグ🌟 Tag

汎用タグ #甕星エト

配信タグ #甕星の軌跡

ファンアートタグ #エトノカカセロ

成人向けファンアートタグ #エロノカカセロ

ファンネーム エトステラ

ファンマーク 🏺🌟

プロフィール🌟 Profile

名前 / Name: 甕星 エト(みかぼし えと / Mikaboshi Eto)

性別 / Sex: 男性 / male

誕生日 / Birthday: 7月7日 / July 7st

年 齢 / Age: ???

身長 / Height: 166.0cm

言語 / Language: 日本語、英語(超初心者) / Japanese, English( too beginner)

好き / Like: Vtube、アニメ、ゲーム、料理、雑学、ツッコミ(される)、音楽(アニソン,クラシック,ジャズ,アルゼンチンタンゴetc……)

Vtuber,Anime, games, cooking, music (anison, classical, jazz, Argentine tango, etc. ......)

嫌い / Dislike: 虫、ホラー、驚く物

Insect, horror, Scary Fucking Surprises

キャラクターデザイン / Character Design: 猫望みいや 様 / Nekomochi Miiya

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/harukaze_miiya

【YouTube】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlJFCkqXFeLO-1M2O_LCaQ

Live2Dモデリング / Live2D Modeling: ノア・エリクシア 様 / Noah Elixia

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/NoahElixia

【YouTube】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxNCyBilVzsqqfogwSh1txg

ロゴデザイン / Logo Design: えぜる 様 / esel

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/esel_luvka

【Skeb】 https://skeb.jp/@esel_luvka

リンク🌟 Links
配信・Twitterのコメントに関するガイドライン 🌟 Guidelines for distribution and Twitter comments











About comments on distribution, etc.

Please refrain from comments that are excessively sexual, political, or religious in nature, or those that are offensive to the honor or dignity of myself or any third party, or those that promote criminal activity.

We will give you a warning several times, but if the situation does not improve, we will take some kind of action, such as blocking you.

Please refrain from commenting on spoilers when distributing games.

We will only use a warning if the comment is not malicious, but we will not be able to do so if the comment is malicious.

We do not encourage comments about other distributors' topics that have not been discussed, and depending on the degree of the comment, we may give you a warning.

We would like to only give you a warning, but in the case of malicious comments, we may not be able to say whether we will give you a warning or not.

Please refrain from commenting (pigeonholing, etc.) on the contents of this site even if the topic has not yet been discussed in other people's distribution.

We also do not encourage comments outside of the distribution, but we do not restrict comments when the distributor is talking about the content.

We will notify you in advance of any changes to these guidelines, but we reserve the right to change them without notice in case of urgent need.

ファンアートに関するガイドライン 🌟 Guidelines for Fan Art

















About Secondary Creation, Fan Art, and AI Illustrations

We welcome original fan art and fan creations for personal use.

We would be happy if you tag them if you like.

We will notify you in advance, but we would appreciate it if you could state in advance that you cannot use the tag if it is not allowed.

I do not have any restrictions on personal use of fan art (e.g., for use as a standby screen on a smartphone), but please refrain from using fan art if there are restrictions in the artist's guidelines.

Please refer to the following for precautions.

AI illustrations (I2I, etc. that use images from our contents) are prohibited regardless of whether they are standing pictures, single pictures, or Live2D.

Fan art that is excessively political or religious, degrades me or other third parties, or encourages criminal activity is prohibited

Please place viewing restrictions on the posting of adult-oriented (violent, grotesque, sexually explicit) fan art.

Public order and morals, antisocial, religious, or political content using standing pictures, Live2D, or single pictures, etc. is prohibited.

Unauthorized reproduction of images and other content from this site is prohibited.

The copyright of fan art is held between me and the person who drew it, so unauthorized reproduction, use of icons on SNS, and reuse of fan art by processing (collage images, etc.) are prohibited.

If you want to use the work, please obtain permission from both the artist and myself.

Please stop posting under the guise of being official.

I will like adult-oriented fan art, but I will not retweet it because it may be viewed by minors.

Please note that these guidelines are subject to change without notice.