🔷仕事垢に「紅 蜜柑」の名や、二次創作の内容含むリプライを送るのはお止め下さい。
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/aka3kan
[支部] https://www.pixiv.net/users/1146287
[虎の穴] https://ecs.toranoana.jp/joshi/ec/cot/circle/2UPA036P8V73dB6Rd687/all/
[pawoo] https://pawoo.net/@aka3kan(←ほぼ可動無し。何かあった時用)
■紅蜜ゆず [くれみつ ゆず] @kure32yuzu
仕事用垢では、二次垢[紅 蜜柑]のRTなどは致しませんが、逆はやります。
🔷同人誌をネットオークションに出品することについて( http://privatter.net/p/1900297 @senna_ssTBさんから)
■✖ = I forbid these. Do not ask for permission.■
⚠️My illustrations are not free materials.⚠️
【✖】Do not use them for icons, headers, videos, thumbnails, etc.
【✖】Copying, self-made remarks, and coloring in black and white line drawings.
【✖】Please do not save my images and post them on your personal blogs or social networking sites.
【✖】Do not translate and re-submit.⚠️I don't want the translated images to spread.⚠️
【✖】Does not register for online printing without permission.
【✖】Creating goods with copied, eye-trained, or printed images and then posting or selling them on SNS is prohibited.
【✖】Please purchase my doujinshi at the consignment site I am registered with. Please do not resell them.
■OK = OK as long as you behave yourself.■
【OK】Reference for cosplay composition (no report required)
【OK】Save it to your personal device and use it as wallpaper on your cell phone or PC, or view it privately. Do not post them on social networking sites (no need to report).
🔶I'm not currently drawing "love" between characters.
🔶No illustration requests are accepted.
🔶Since there are many people who use it without permission or repost it without permission, it is easy to judge that it is reprinted without permission by not allowing everyone.
🔶If you want to introduce my work, please paste the URL of my Twitter or pixiv.
Please do not repost what you have saved on your media.
🔶I cannot allow you to translate my images and post them on social media. I don't want my images to be altered. ⚠️I don't want the translated images to spread.⚠️
If you want to read them privately, please use an image translation application.