My name is Aria Lavinde, and I am the avatar of my author under this account. In this quality, I am an amateur writer of short literoticas and CM3D2 mod amateur with a very cuddly mindset~
I have started making content from the motivation that I wanted to give form to my ideas, but also did not want to rely on requesting others for drawing them forever, and while I am really no good at drawing myself, I have found a solution in a 3D game which offers a myriad of possibilities thanks to its flexible ideas. I have also started writing before that for I also wished to give a softer approach with words to them, and also in the hopes to give them pictural shape later on~ (Or vice-versa too actually).
My predilection fields are unbirthing and endosomatophilia.
For a brief definition, the former is the paraphilia of returning into the womb, with or without size differences, or other alterations in age, genetics... (I personally do without those last mentioned details... for now.)
And the latter is the general paraphilia of a living being living inside another being, safely embraced by the innards of the host's body wherever they keep them.
Because I am convinced that the impossible characteristic of these two areas are also the closed gate to a new dimension of protection, intimacy, affection giving, and other fun ideas, waiting to be opened. That will not help making them any closer to reality, even if I will try sometimes to take a realist approach despite the little magic touches here and there, but I just want to turn something that may scare off people at first sight for its absurdity, into a soothener for the heart with warm and tender embraces~
Aside from that, I am also an appreciator of monster girls whose traits compliment these well, like lamias, dullahans, slime girls... But also I do appreciate bellies of all kind (except with visible implied fatality), shared clothings, gentle giantesses, and any other cute connex ideas~ ^w^
However, as mentioned in parentheses, I will not do any scenarios that imply a character's death (digestion, absorption, asphyxiation, disposal... except maybe if their revival is guaranteed?). Simply because I do not like it when gorgeous-looking ideas have to be at the cost of a character's life. Thank you for your understanding. ^_^'
I also wish to make more SFW contents as well in the future. They may take the form of downloadable mods in CM3D2, in addition to my NSFW ones, and also other short stories.
And my other wish is to get back at being better at Japanese. It was one of my regretted concessions in my time sparing, and I would love to get better at it soon enough.
Pleased to make your acquaintance! I hope my works will manage to please you as well~ ^w^)/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MariaLavinde
The account where I am the most active. ^w^
I do sometimes post my WIPs there, as well as sharing finished works, screenshots of the process behind my works, share a few of my ideas, and some occasional simping. :3
I have activated the Sensitive Content filter, so if all goes right, and the settings is activated for you, it should be safe to follow me without having my (sometimes quite) NSFW works flash before your eyes in public places while scrolling~ ;3
CuriousCat - https://curiouscat.qa/AriaLavinde
On this page, you can ask me questions of almost any kind or even suggest ideas you would like to see from me someday (in the limitations of my restrained capabilities lol), feel free to ask/suggest over at this page~ ^w^
Questions can be asked anonymously.
Pixiv - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/38765284
The hub of my works, be they screenshots or stories.
This is where you can more easily find them, clean and occasionally translated in Japanese.
They are also available in uncompressed quality unlike Twitter. :3
Feel free to follow me on Twitter and Pixiv and keep bookmarks (either publicly or privately) and give your feedbacks on where I can improve~ (There is a *lot* of room for that. lol)
Eka's Portal - https://aryion.com/g4/user/MariaTheRipper
This is also another place where I make my written works (only these though) available in English.
Unlike Pixiv, you do not need an account to access R-18 works, so feel free to go there if you do not feel like using an account to access them. :3
GetUploader - https://ux.getuploader.com/AriaLavinde/
And finally, here is the page where I upload my items to be downloaded (which will most essentially be CM3D2 assets and maybe plugins).
Aside from my main activities here, I am also an university student with a currently heavy charge at home, striving to succeed in his semester nonetheless.
With a certain appetence towards scripting and game programming, I may also happen to share some of my curiosities, insights and creations that may or may not be useful to others.
Finally, as an additional way along with my activities to cope with the boredom of lockdowns, as well as discovering a new interesting virtual world, I have grown very interested to Vtubers like Pavolia Reine (who got me into the Hololive Rabbit Hole, and I am very thankful to her~) and Aki Rosenthal. As I regain more free time for myself, I would like to also give more of my time watching streams from Oozora Subaru, pochi-sensei, Yura Rikudou, Nekomata Okayu, Nanashi Mumei, Ninomae Ina'nis, and also other Vtubers who happen to do 胎内回帰 ASMR and the such... (If you know... you know. :3)
By the way, in case you were to worry about pronouns when addressing me with pronouns... please do not. I know what to refer to myself as in both cases:
He/Him - Author-san
She/Her - Aria-san
Them/Their - either
So really, address me as you see fit! ^w^
°「Aria Lavinde」
(This is the SFW part of it, the NSFW part is in the comments. :3)
°「Thread of ideas」
I used to play Custom Maid 3D 2 version 1.66, modded with the Sybaris toolkit to extract and load plugins, game assets,...
Now I mainly play Custom Order Maid 3D 2 version 1.8.0 (BuildVersion: 2.12.0), modded with the BepInEx toolkit this time.
Under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, I am able to run the game and the tools offered by Sybaris and BepInEx with Wine 7.0, and I also make scripts to go around the need to run it all the time, because it is quite heavy to run nonetheless. ^w^'
The back-and-fourth operation of asset editing or making is done in Blender 2.83 with the Blender CM3D2 Converter done by luvoid (https://github.com/luvoid/Blender-CM3D2-Converter) and Blender-CM3D2-BoneUtil by trzr (https://github.com/trzr/Blender-CM3D2-BoneUtil)
I also edit my images with GIMP 2.10 without any particular plugins or Script-Fu for now.
Finally, for writing, I recommend FocusWriter (https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/), both on Windows and Linux, for setting up a comfortable writing workspace, as well as the Artha package (http://artha.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Home) for Ubuntu that serves as a thesaurus application for your desktop. (Run ``sudo apt-get install artha`` or ``yum install artha`` under Fedora to install it, or if it is not among the repositories, you can add the PPA and install it with ``sudo apt-add-repository ppa:legends2k/artha; sudo apt-get update`` before apt-get installing it. ^w^)