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Fran 🍮
I called Demetri Certaldo as my pretty princess babygirl and has never looked back since. LeonDemetri | 舟莱德🐺🍎🔄❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌NO SWITCH I WILL BLOCK YOU
NOTE | Please read carefully

🍮Please call me Fran or Flan.

🍮I draw and write....rarely. I just like to tweet my ideas and ramblings (lol)

🍮 EN/ID 👌 JP 🤏 For other languanges i use translator

🍮Feel free to follow, unfollow, or block me.

🍮18↑. I tweet up pretty R18 stuff so please keep that in mind. R18 drawings i will put in poipiku. List only, please ask if you want to see the drawings!


🍮Please keep in mind that my works/ramblings might be a bit extreme. Do be warned that i'm ok with things like:







Body modification

Unsanitary (piss)

Age gap

If you can't keep fiction and reality separate then don't follow me.

OK 👍

I talk about different CPs in this account but right now it's mainly 舟莱德 | 🐺🍎- Leondeme.

I also like other characters with Demetri:

🦌🍎 - WallachDemetri

🐯🍎 - BrocaDemetri

♂️⚖️🍎 - (Male)PenanceDemetri

🎹🍎 - EbenholzDemetri

🍎🍎 - Demetricest

🐐🍎 - LessingDemetri

I also like:

🐾🎀- Tequila Stainless

🐦🐈‍⬛- La Pluma Rockrock

🔥🎮- Flamebringer Mizuki

NOT OK ❌❌❌

I didn't think i would resort to make this section but with how things has been going i have to. It's important so please read this.


I am very fixed in my CPs and dynamic. If i see people liking the reverse or mischaracterizing the characters then i'll take actions accordingly by MUTE/BLOCK/UNFOLLOW. I'm ok if people wants to mischaracterize for AUs/Paro or just for fun but please do not try to claim that your headcanons are official/canon.

Please do not take offense if i've blocked or unfollowed you. I'm doing this curate my preference. There is no hard feelings, there are just things i don't want to see. I tend to not shy away from blocking people.

NO SWITCH. I'll block you still.

NO MOB. I only accept mobs if it's not explicitly shown and is only used as a plot device. Simply said, the mob genre that i like are very specific that general mob works does not sit well with me.

Works that i do not like are:

Demetri(top) x Leon

Lessing x Eben

I hate it so don't force your CP on me.