Chunie チュニ
i draw whatever i want
BL/GL/HL i eat all
• TKRB (main)
faves : Himetsuru, Matsui, Shinano, Hachisuka, Hakusan (no exact fave)
faves : Mitsuki, Haruka, Minami
• mhyk, enst, tot, obm, etc.
I am a believer of fiction =/= reality, if you justify harassing or attacking people for what they like in fiction I highly suggest not being mutuals with me. if you feel uncomfortable with me the block button's right there for you to press ♡
• chomohime ちょもひめ (メイン)
• suimaro 水麿
• buzematsu ぶぜまつ
• nagimitsu ナギみつ
• and a lot others
NOTPs none. I eat what I want to eat you eat what you want to eat, i dont want to start petty discourse over pairings. i highly suggest muting the keyword of your NOTPs because I'll surely tag them if i ever post it.