kanon • 💚💜❤💛 • にじさんじ • プロセカ🎀 • Eng/ID • not in any fandomtwt • kinda ia
about this account
- kanon (any nicknames are ok)
- she/her
- eng/id ok!
- sb to break mutual
- FUB free
- pls don't follow this acc randomly (except if you're my mutual from another acc of yours), you may DM me if you want to be mutuals
- I am not a part of any fandomtwt
- dni if: you show hate, tend to join on dramas, you are an nsfw/hate account, homophobic, racist, etc (basic dni criteria)
- interests: utaite (mainly usss), vocaloid, enstars (leoP ritsuP), pjsekai (mizuki oshi) , nijisanji (mainly EN/JP), apex streamers(mainly KNR), and many more!
- You can hmu anytime through DMs!!
- hmu on dms if you wanna do an art collab/collab w/ me!