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About me


成人済/BL + NL 雑食

❤️山鳥毛 + 日光一文字 ちょもさに+にこさに

❤️稲葉江 稲さに


I speak Chinese/English, I read Japanese by translation apps.

Thank you for Likes/RT/Following! I appreciate your support very much. ❤️


Do not repost.

Do not use my drawings for training AI.

Do not copy my drawings and publish as your own.

A friendly reminder, if you're a minor who is under 18, please don't follow me, if I figure out that you are a minor, I will remove your from following list.

念のため、18 歳未満未成年者はフォローしないでください。未成年者であることが判明した場合は、フォローリストから削除します。