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🔞 でぃみれと

tenです。 21歳↑↑ 😂

Hi! I'm ten and I'm well over the age of 21.

rtが多い。 ディミレトが大好き! メガテンとペルソナのネタ (主花💛🧡!)。別のゲームたまにある。時々絵が描いています... 絵が上手くなりたいなぁぁ。

I will sometimes retweet Megaten and Persona, but this account is mostly for m!dimileth. My preference is top Dimitri/bottom Byleth. I try to draw fanart, but I'm not very confident in my skills....

日本語は勉強中。失礼になれば本当にすみません... 頑張っています。😭

I can read some Japanese, but I can't write or speak except very simple sentences. I need to study harder! 🙏

That said, I'm bilingual. Kung mas trip mong mag-Tagalog, keri din naman.

● 好き | Likes

• ディミレト mdimileth (mbyleth)

• カスアシュ caspashe/cashepar

• フェリアネ netteflix

● OK

• シルフェリ sylvix

• レスエデ edeleth (fbyleth)

• レスレア rhealeth (fbyleth)


Aside from mdimileth, I don't like any other ships with Dimitri. Sorry! 😣

Let's spread the m!dimileth love! 💙💚