・bottom Jason ❤︎❤︎❤︎ top Jason ✕××
・bottom tim , bottom dick × × × Tim と dick は top ❤︎❤︎
・bottom conner ❤︎❤︎ top conner ▲
・bottom kalder ❤︎ top kalder ▲
・bottom Damian ❤︎ top Damian ▲
・bottom wally ❤︎ top wally ▲
・bottom hal ❤︎ top hal ○
・bottom guy ○ top guy ○
・bottom Barry ○ top Barry ○
❤︎ means I love it !!!! bottom jay is my life , I love him so much and he is cute af.
× means that I really don't like it. ⚠️ I'm so sorry but i’ll block , or mute you if you like top Jason , bottom tim , bottom dick .
○ means I like it.
▲ means It's fine but I don't like It that much.
I don't usually like reverse. but sometimes It's ok.
( ex )
・Halbarry / Barryhal
・guyhal / halguy
I love Titans bru/dick !!!! ⚠️ but other than Titans bru/dick , I'm saying this a lot but I really don't like bottom dick. I'm sorry.
・Halbarry / Barryhal
・guyhal / halguy
sometimes , 🔞
過激・暴力 発言有。
無断転載禁止!!!許可取れば ○
I will post bottom J art the most. ( I think )
dickjay メイン
Hello there 👋 thx fore reading all of that. sorry if it was to long.
and I'm so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.
block me if you don't like me.
I well try to post every day.
hope yall' have a nice day, love you all 😘😘