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Chim(era)'s study notes
Chimera, but you can call me "Chim". JLPT N4 trying to remember more kanji = rather inaccurate TLs. Take everything here with a grain of salt, thanks.

Chimera, or Chim for short.

I'm mostly here trying to remember more kanji/vocab words. Translating seems like a good way to do it, so I started this account mostly just to post my study notes. That is to say, everything here is 100% according to my self-taught, unreviewed understanding, and therefore mistakes will be made. I take absolutely no responsibility for any sort of mistranslations. Heck, that actually means that I don't understand the context to begin with. Knowing this, be warned to take everything posted on this account with a grain of salt.

follow, unfollow and blocking

FUB free.

You are free to follow, unfollow and block me.

Failure to be kind and mindful will earn you a block from me.

I don't look kindly on this 'ratio' social activity that's been going around on Twitter. It's upsetting to see it done to my favourite characters. Doing so in the form of QRTs or direct reply to my tweets will earn you a block. Passive-aggressive behaviour, or insulting characters as a way of showing love, is personally disheartening to see. Don't do that here.

Have a nice day.

current focus

Series: Mahoyaku

Characters: Mitile, muumuu, Figaro