下記にどうぞ⏬ 返信省略させていただきますのでご了承ください。
基本的に許可のメッセージは不要です🙆♀️/ You don't have to ask me permissions.
📝 イラストをSNSアイコンに使用したい/I would like to use the illustration as my SNS icon.
Twitterなどの場合はプロフィールに私のTwitterIDなどのソースを記載の上、楽しい用途のアカウントにのみ使用してOKです。(なりきりも可) 過度に性的な内容や人やコンテンツの誹謗中傷をポストするアカウントなどでは禁止とします。
For platforms like Twitter, please include a source such as my Twitter ID in the profile. It's acceptable to use the illustration for accounts with fun purposes (role-play is also allowed). However, usage in accounts that excessively feature sexual content or engage in harassment and slander towards individuals is strictly prohibited.
📝 イラストを保存したい/ I would like to save the illustration.
Feel free to save and use the illustration for personal enjoyment. Using it as a lock screen background is also permissible.
📝 イラストを印刷したい/ I would like to print the illustration.
You can print the illustration on your home printer or through online printing services for personal use. However, refrain from distributing prints or using commercial printing services.
📝 イラストを転載したい/ I would like to repost the illustration.
If you include my Twitter ID or Pixiv ID and the purpose is for personal use, reposting is allowed. However, it is prohibited to repost on media platforms generating income through advertising and such.
📝 使っているツール・アプリを知りたい/I would like to know the tools you're using.
📝 依頼をしたい/commission
You can make a request through Skeb. For detailed discussions, content specifics, or inquiries about scheduling and possible, please feel free to contact me through DM or email.
📝 その他不明点