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麻婆紡李 (Mabo Boy) 🌶◻️
弾き語りしてる準備中VTwitterer/VSSW(?)のVオタク、元ライブキッズ。 #MJT48 所属 公式→@mjt48_official ファンアート(?)→ #麻婆のアトリエ リクエスト→ #マーボーボーイに歌を プロデューサー→ @Ieyasuistalking アイコン→ @eminto_1014_


🌶Mabo Boy is a virtual musician who's going to start his project in the end of March 2021. Being a member of MJT48, one of the largest group of Vtubers & utaite singers, he uploads 17 videos in total, 14 of which are playin'-with-a-guitar ones. Now he has accounts of 4 streaming platforms, REALITY, Mirrativ, Topia and Twittcasting, all of which will be his main platforms for broadcasting.


◻️イラスト/fanarts: #麻婆のアトリエ #AtelierOfMaboBoy

🌶弾き語り/歌ってみた曲のリクエスト/song requests: #マーボーボーイに歌を #SingThisMaboBoy

◻️その他/others that related to me: #麻婆紡李 #マーボーボーイ #MaboBoy