❷ハッシュタグ #91oneDW をつけてTwitterで投稿(お1人様何度でも)
#01 お祝い 遅刻
#02 スカジャン 花
#03 ジャンク 照れ
#04 有限 ピアス
#05 味 触れる
#06 煩悩 星
#07 悪巧み 生
#08 結 月明かり
#09 彼岸花 夕焼け(NBGP様開催記念)
#10 炎 掃除
#11 息遣い 不慣れ
#12 はじめ 音
#13 救い サイン
#14 ゲーム 共鳴
#15 花より団子 手首
#16 死角 大喧嘩
#17 天才 アイスクリーム
#18 祭 足首
#19 ルール 花束
#20 6分の2 フェス(ノバス1wee9ドロライ様開催記念)
#21 三人 歯形
#22 レア 震え
#23 交換 闇
#24 龍 ウソ
#25 あまい コートの中
#26 めばえ 写真
#27 熱狂 パス
#28 こども 笑み
#29 片想い ループ
#30 美学 同級生
#31 鈍感 にわか雨
#32 お月見 潜む
#33 歌 はじめてのキス
#34 バトル しいたけ
#35 雪 おさめ
#36 体温 目隠し
#37 約束 映画
#38 選択 嵐
Reproduction is prohibited.
복제 금지.
Create a Kuko/Ichiro work according to provided "theme for the month" within 1 hour. (This is just a standard amount and expandable).
Post on twitter with the hashtag " #91oneDW ."
- Works should be Kuko/Ichiro contents.
- Please use privetter or something if your works include sensitive contents* so that someone who doesn't want not to see them.
- DO NOT repost others' works.
- If you find some infelicitous contents, please DM to host account ( @91_1dW ).
*Sensitive contents
R18 (sexual, adult, nuddy), R18G (grotesque; e.g. innards, blood, body defect), transexual, too much violence, too much change from official settings, and so on.
Please feel free to contact/ask anything with twitter DM or marshmallow to host.
This is a list of themes. It will updated on the 10th of each month.
You can use as many theme as you would like from all of the list (include past moths and list from first account of 91oneDW).
#01 Celebration / Tardiness
#02 "スカジャン"=Souvenir jacket / Flower
#03 Junk / Embarrassment
#04 Limitation / Earrings
#05 Taste / Touch
#06 "煩悩"=earthly desires / Star
#07 insidious plot / rare
#08 "結"=connect / Moon light
#09 Lycoris / Sunset (related to the web event "NBGP")
#10 Flame / Cleaning
#11 Breath / Lack of experience
#12 First time / Sound
#13 Relief / Sign
#14 Game / Resonance
#15 Bread is better than the songs of birds / Wrist
#16 Blind spot / Big fight
#17 Genius / Ice cream
#18 Festival / Ankle
#19 Rule / Bouquet
#20 2/6(two sixths) / Fes ( related to the web event NBGPwebonly)
#21 Trio / Bite mark
#22 Rare / Tremble
#23 Exchange / Darkness
#24 Dragon / Lie
#25 Sweet / Inside a coat
#26 Seedling / Picture
#27 Enthusiasm / Pass
#28 Child / Laugh
#29 One-sided / Loop
#30 Virtue / Classmate
#31 Insensitive / Sudden rain
#32 Moon viewing / Hidden
#33 Song / First kiss
#34 Battle / Shiitake mashroom
#35 Snow / Last
#36 Body temperature / Blind
#37 Promiss / Movie
#38 Selection / Storm
list from first account of 91oneDW (usable)
[Morning glow / Shadow / Sleeping / Tears / Rhyme / Sweat / Adult / No.1 / Yesterday / Red / Back to back / Dream]
Ideas of theme are wanted!
This is the host of "Kuko/Ichiro one hour draw/write (91oneDW in short)".
"One hour draw/write" is a kind of WEB event. Participants create illusts/words within 1 hour and post them with hashtag. Because it has time limit, degree of perfection is no matter and more people would feel free to join.
This host account sets themes and retweets works with hashtag ( #91oneDW ).
Reproduction is prohibited.
복제 금지.
Twitter of host
マシュマロ/marshmallow (anonymous message)