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Ivy Liau
成人済 | イラストレーター | EN/日本語OK! | 🌈🕒🍵エデン | ジョカゲ | ⎊
自己紹介 / Introduction


◈ Ivy/アイビー/ユエ/月花で呼んでくれれば嬉しいです~(どっちでもOK)

◈ 25↑成人済 (R15-18ものを描いて、RTしていますので、ご注意ください)

◈ 英語・インドネシア語・日本語OK

◈ イラストレーター・グラフィックデザイナー・院生


Hello, I'm Ivy Liau, pleased to meet you!

◈ You can call me Ivy or Yue, I'm fine either way!

◈ Illustrator・Graphic Designer・Research Student

◈ I might post or RT-ing rated works, therefore please be careful.

◈ I speak English, Indonesian, and a baby-level of Japanese

垢について/ About


Below I'll explain what this account is and what you can and can't do to things I posted.


◈ 無言フォローOK



◈ I often post both illustrations and daily-life related tweets and photos

◈ It's ok to follow me quietly without doing beforehand greetings

◈ I don't mind replies and QRT (even if you don't follow me) as long as it's still appropriate

◈ You may save my illustrations or use it as wallpaper, however repost and reproduction as derivative works/prints/etc. is prohibited