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バーチャルプールシャークれいなです✨ みんなに笑顔を💕VR世界の住人🌒 I'm Virtual Pool Shark Reina, your new favorite VR waifu Vtuber✨ EN/JP
はじめに Introduction  【日本語】→【English】


このページでは "バーチャルプールシャークれいな✨🦈" の活動に関する様々な情報をまとめています。SNS等でのつながり、ダイレクトメッセージ(DM)の扱い、ファンアート(FA)に関する注意点等ご確認いただけます。なお、ここに記載がない内容についてはお手数ですが必要に応じてご相談ください。

"バーチャルプールシャークれいな✨🦈" とは VRChat、YouTube、Twitter(X)等にて活動中個人Vtuber(バーチャルユーチューバー)です。2021年からVRChatを中心にイベント主催を続け、2023年7月21日からVtuber活動を開始。






In this page you will find information about many aspects of my Vtuber activity. For example, how I decide who to follow on social media, how I interact with Direct Messages (DM), things I do not accept as Fan Art, etc. If you have a question about something that is not included here, feel free to ask me directly.

As "Virtual Pool Shark Reina", I am active on VRChat, YouTube and Twitter (X) as a Vtuber (Virtual YouTuber). I have been in VRChat since 2021 and started my Vtuber activity in July 2023. At this time, I post videos on YouTube every Tuesday and Friday. Each video has its own type of content, and they vary from original stories, to gaming videos and Vlogs, etc. On Twitter (X), you can find me talking about my daily life, sharing pictures and interacting with my followers.

I am 100% a virtual person, which means there is no "real Reina". The person acting as Reina, known commonly as "the person inside", does not exist. Because of this, all information regarding real identity, such as name, age, nationality, gender, profession, etc is not publicly disclosed. In my content I use a voice changer (VC). Please make sure you understand this when enjoying my content.

※ Please do not request real life photos, voice, meeting, etc.

活動に関するガイドライン Guidelines regarding my content(English follows Japanese)


項目一覧      (Index)

1.VRChatに関して  (Regarding VRChat)

2.DMに関して   (Regarding Private Messages)

3.Xのリプライに関して (Regarding Replies on Social Media)

4.各SNSのフォロー・フォロバに関して  (Regarding Following on Social Media)

5.ファンアートに関して(R18に関して) (Regarding Fanart and R18 Fanart)

6.投げ銭等に関して  (Regarding Donations and Supporters)

7.コラボに関して  (Regarding Collaboration Events and Streams)

8.当ガイドラインに関する注意点と更新履歴 (Notes and Changelog)





















































★FAは #ReinaVerse をつけて@ツイート等で送っていただけると嬉しいです。





・ロリ化 (SDキャラはOK)




※当然ですがリンク先の内容は R18 なので未成年の方はご遠慮ください。






※使用アバター「セレスティア」は JINGO CHANNEL 様による著作物です (https://twitter.com/jingo_1016)。なお、衣装や装飾品は複数の一般販売商品を使用しています。動画等のクレジット表記をご確認いただき、必要に応じて利用規約をご確認ください。









★ BOOTH のほしいものリスト(公開スキリスト)からのギフト



★ Amazonほしいものリストからのギフト






★ 原則、VRChat内で運営できるコラボイベント以外はすべてお断りさせていただきます。

★ 面識のない方からのコラボのお誘いに応じられない場合があります。

★ 女性の方とのトラブルを避けるために、コラボや個人通話、個人チャット等はお断りさせていただきます。

★ 個人や法人を問わず、DiscordやZoom、その他のサービスでの通話を含み、すべてお断りします。

★ 現在、企業様からのお誘いや案件はすべてお断りさせていただいています。


★ YouTubeや X(旧Twitter)のコンテンツを引用やリンクでの共有は大歓迎です。

★ 無断転載(ダウンロード、画面録画を含む)は禁止とさせていただきます。

★ 動画コンテンツ等の使用(切り抜きを含む)を希望する場合、前もって用途と動画内容をご連絡ください。内容によってはお断りさせていただく場合があります。

★ 無断転載、無断使用を発見した場合、コンテンツの削除をお願いする場合があります。




★ 更新履歴

2023.12.28 公開

2024.01.17 記述の修正

2024.02.02 英語版を追加

2024.02.11 (1)FAに関する記述を一部修正 (2)PayPalリンクを削除 (3)「コラボに関して」を追加 (4)更新履歴を追加

2024.02.15 「DM等に関して」の記述を一部修正

2024.02.15 (1)FAに関する記述を一部修正 (2)生成AIによるFAに関する記述を追加

2024.03.02 「コンテンツの共有に関して」を追加

2024.03.05 FAに関する記述を一部修正

2024.03.15 R18タグの変更

2024.04.17 (1)「はじめに」の項目を追加 (2)「リンク一覧」の項目を追加 (3) FAに関する記述を一部修正

2024.05.06 (1)FANBOXとpixivリンクの追加 (2) 「投げ銭に関して」の記述を修正し、FANBOXリンクを追加 (3)「コラボに関して」の記述を一部修正

2024.05.25 FAのR18表現に関する注意点の記述を変更。注意点をまとめた文書はドライブリンクにて共有

2025.01.26 一部記述の変更と詳細の明確化

Regarding VRChat

☆ Friend Requests

Being an event host, I always accept incoming friend requests unless there is something suspicious about the account (bots, etc).

☆ Invites and Invite Requests

Outside of events that specifically ask for invites or requests to be used, I will NOT accept any incoming invite or invite request.

☆ Body touch

I do not accept head pats or touching any part of my body.

※ Failing to follow these rules will result in being blocked.

Regarding private messages

☆ DM replies

I will NOT reply to any message. If your message is about my content or an urgent matter, please be explicit about it. I will not read any message that includes casual conversation.

Keep in mind that I do not accept invitations to any kind of collaboration or other events.

If you have a question or opinion, or want to share something with me, please use replies to my posts or @ mentions.

※ Disrespectful and harmful messages will result in being blocked and reported.

☆ Discord

I only use Discord for work or content related discussions. I will NOT accept Discord friend requests.

☆ E-mail

I only use E-mail for work or content related discussions. I will NOT reply to messages.

☆ Questions and Opinions

If you have questions or want to share your opinion, feel free to use the marshmallow service from the link below.


Regarding Replies on Social Media

☆ I will try as much as I can to reply to comments to my posts and content.

☆ Reply Standard

Normally, I will try to reply to all comments. However, life is busy and this means that sometimes I will not be able to reply or my replies will take time. Additionally, if I think a comment does not need to be replied to, I will simply react by "liking" the comment to show that I have read it.

☆ Continuously asking for replies will result in being blocked.

Regarding Following on Social Media

☆ As a general rule, I only follow accounts in which I am interested, are content creators or related to content creation. In some cases, I will follow other accounts after getting to know the user through replies, etc. if I think this will be mutually beneficial (Note: This does not mean I will accept private messages outside content creation).

☆ I will not follow "locked accounts".

☆ If an account seems to be only following me to get a "follow back", I may not follow.

☆ I will not follow back accounts that ask or imply I should follow back.

☆ If a user repeatedly follows and unfollows to get my attention, the user may be blocked.

※ The following accounts will be ignored

・ Business accounts

・ Hateful accounts

・ Sensitive content accounts

・ Political and religious accounts

Regarding Fanart and R18 Fanart

I take Fanart as my treasure and I will be very happy if you wish to make something for me.

If a user makes Fanart of me or my content, I will share save it and share on social media, YouTube and/or VRChat. If a user does not wish for their art to be shared, I ask to be informed beforehand.

☆ Fanart can be shared on social media using the hashtag #ReinaVerse and @ mention my account. I will try to reply and repost as much as my time allows.

★ Regardless of the nature of your Fanart, I do not accept the following content.

・ "Furry" transformation (animal ears or tails 'only as accessory' is allowed)

・ "Loli" transformation

・ Extreme aging

・ Exaggerated breast size

☆ R18 Fanart is allowed.

If you wish to share R18 fanart, please make sure to apply sensitive settings when needed. Additionally, please use the hashtag " #れいなには内緒 " instead.

If you apply sensitive settings, some images may not appear in the tag search, so please let me know you made something so I can go see it. However, do not @ my account or tag me directly in sensitive art, since tagging may cause it to be shown to my other followers who do not desire to see such art.

★ Regardless of the nature of your Fanart, I do not accept the following content.

・ Graphical depictions of explicit sexual activity (IE: penetration, etc)

・ Graphical depictions of inside of the body

・ Pregnancy or birth

・ Male transformation or "futanari"

・ "Furry" transformation (animal ears or tails 'only as accessory' is allowed)

・ "Loli" transformation

・ Extreme aging

・ Exaggerated breast size

・ Graphical depiction of feces

If your art falls into these categories, your account may be blocked.

If you want to enjoy this privately, do not use any FA tags and do not tag my account.

※ If you have any question about sensitive FA, feel free to ask me directly.

※ You can find some examples here:

(The link contains R18 images. Do not open if you are under 18)


☆ I cannot accept Fanart made with AI generation software or techniques.

☆ Political and Religious content is not allowed.

☆ The use of my photos, illustrations and other content for AI training is not allowed.

※ The rights to the 3D models used on my content belong to the respective creators. Please make sure to read and understand all user agreements before making use of them. Base Avatar Selestia is a creation of JINGO CHANNEL (https://twitter.com/jingo_1016). Other assets are linked in their respective videos.

Regarding Donations and Support

The best way to support me is by sharing my content, like & subscribe to my channel, comment and reply to my posts, etc.

☆ You can support me through my FANBOX page. There will be some rewards ready for those who choose to do so. However, supporting is completely optional.


※ Keep in mind that FANBOX is not a "content selling" website. Supporting is optional and reward content might change.

☆ You may send Super Chats and Super Thanks on my streams at any time. Keep in mind there will be no reward for these kind of donations.

☆ You may join my YouTube Member plan (Shark) which comes with some rewards listed on YouTube. Keep in mind that language will be mostly Japanese for Membership rewards.

☆ Gifts from BOOTH wishlist

Clothing and other items to use in my content


☆ Gifts from Amazon wishlist

Hardware and software for my content creation (gift cards will be used to pay for the same type of products)


All donations will be treated as donations. You are not buying any type of product or content. Please do not expect to get something in return apart from a "Thank you message". By sending any type of donation, you are agreeing to respect this guideline and my streams rules. I will not accept any complaints after the fact.

Regarding Collaboration Events and Streams

☆ I will not accept any collaboration event outside of VRChat.

☆ I will not accept collaboration invitations from people who I do not know.

☆ To avoid trouble with female streamers, I will not accept collaboration requests or communication through calls and DM.

☆ I will not accept calls on Discord, Zoom or any other service for any purpose.

☆ Currently not accepting invitations or offers from any company.

Regarding sharing my content

☆ You are free to share my videos and posts using links from YouTube or X (Twitter), etc.

☆ Downloading or screen recording my content is not allowed.

☆ If you wish to use part of my content in your own content, please let me know in advance what type of content and how will you use it. I reserve the right to decline your request.

☆ If I find that you are using my content without my explicit permission, I may ask you to delete such content.

Notes and Change Log

※ This is not a final version. More rules will be added if needed.

※ This English version is for reference only. The original version in Japanese shall prevail if any conflicts or inconsistencies exist.

★ Changelog

2023.12.28 Published

2024.01.17 Fixed spelling mistakes

2024.02.02 Added English version

2024.02.11 (1)Fixed the wording about FA (2)Deleted PayPal link (3)Added "Regarding Collaboration Events and Streams" (4)Added "Changelog"

2024.02.15 Fixed wording of the "private messages" section

2024.02.15 (1)Fixed the wording about FA (2)Added a section about AI generated FA.

2024.03.02 Added "Regarding sharing my content" section.

2024.03.05 Fixed wording about FA

2024.03.15 Changed R18 fanart tag

2024.04.17 (1)Added "Introduction" (2)Added "Links" (3) Changed some wording regarding FA

2024.05.06 (1)Added FANBOX and pixiv links (2) Fixed wording "Regarding Support and Donations" (3) Fixed wording "Regarding Collaboration Events and Streams"

2024.05.25 Edited Japanese description regarding R18 fanart

2025.01.26 Changed wording and added details to every section.