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MMP | まみぽ
🌈🕒の推しを全力で応援しています I Love 3setBBQ & ex-ID Family 日本語版はページ後半に記載しています
About my various accounts

▶X: https://twitter.com/MAMIMAMIMMP

An account created for the purpose of supporting 🌈🕒's oshi, mainly 🥩 / 3setBBQ🥩☕🔶 / ex-ID family as much as possible.

The main content of this account is to drop FA, FA based on streams, Impressions about to oshi's activities, and other nonsense posts.

*Reproduction, use, alter, self-made remarks is prohibited of my FA without permission.

┗ This isn't the case for livers depicted in FA, and its officials.

*Anyone is welcome to share by "Repost".

*Basically I don't accept requests.

*Welcome invitations to participate in projects, Please contact us by DM first.

I'm a wall-banging loner who quietly and passionately supports my guesses under the radar, so basically I don't follow back, but please feel free to follow/remove/block me.

I may or may not respond to replies, but it's just a whim, so don't worry too much.

Sorry for my own pace, but if you don't mind, feel free to replie to me!

There is no intentional malice in it because I'm just posting what I like as I like it.

I'm not going to argue about something with anyone, sell or buy fights.

If you think it doesn't suit you, don't overdo it, and mute/block to protect yourself.

I hope that you'll understand so that I can enjoy each other's X!

Under the name of "support account," I generally don't post negative sentiments.

I'll not post about my opinions toward the management, but will directly express them in appropriate places.

This attitude is my personal judgment, and I have nothing but gratitude and respect for those who openly express their complaints.

I don’t investigate any so-called "past lives" or "reincarnation". If I know about it somehow, I won't mention it here.

Especially for "reincarnation". I only support "🌈🕒's OSHI", and I'll continue to support the OSHI away from 🌈🕒 as "ex-🌈🕒's OSHI".

While I will always support the future of "ex-🌈🕒's OSHI",but I don't intend to keep following them with my feelings for "ex-🌈🕒's OSHI" dragging me down.

Therefore, I'll not respond to any of the above topics, so please understand.

I'm a native Japanese, and post almost exclusively in Japanese.

My English (and Indonesian) are at the level of a very ZAKO, so I rely on translation sites when I use them...

I'm honored that many people from overseas respond to my posts, so I try to use Japanese that doesn't change the intent of the post when translated into English by major translation sites. (Whether I'm able to do so is a mystery)

I also try to reply to mentions I receive in English in English.

If the text seems strange, that is simply a matter of my translation accuracy, please pardon me...!

▶Privatter: https://privatter.net/u/MAMIMAMIMMP

This is a place to put FA created by myself, mainly posted on X.

*Basicly English translations of manga style FA are only posted here.

*FAs not posted on X (it's not for everyone) can also be viewed here only for X followers.

┗ For more information on the above, please read the front page of Privatter.

About me

[MMP (MaMiPo)]

Japanese / ♀ / 20↑ from 20 years ago (you get the idea...)

Best oshi: 🥩

Best oshi unit: 🥩🔶☕

Membership joined: ☕ || 🎃 ( 🥩 / 🔶 / 🐾🏵 )

Especially often to watching: 🥩 / ☕ / 🔶 / 🐾🏵 || 👻 / 🥃 / 🌶 / 🎃 / ☯ / 🥼🌱😺

Favorite unit / collab: 🥩🐾🏵 / 🥩🔖 / 🧷🌌🔪🥩

・🌈🕒 is watching EN widely and shallowly from the beginning of 2022 via a friend, be obsession with ex-ID from May 2022, Currently I'm a huge fan of 🌈🕒 mainly ex-ID & JP.

・I'm a type of listener who actively participates in live chats.

┗ Of course, I try not to say anything offensive, but if you see something that offends you, please block me gently.

・I'm an otaku who draws pictures and manga.

・I'm a so-called shipper, but in 🌈🕒, I basically a person who believes in the supremacy of friendship among peers/seniors/juniors.

┗ At least I don't talk about ship-related topics on X (including the topic of likes/dislikes).



🌈🕒の推し、主に🥩 / 3setBBQ🥩☕🔶中心にex-ID勢を全力で応援する目的で作成したアカウント。



┗ ファンアート内に描かせて頂いている方ライバーご本人および関係者の方についてはこの限りではありません






























日本人 / ♀ / 20年前から20↑(お察し下さい)



メンシ加入済:☕ || 🎃 ( 🥩 / 🔶 / 🐾🏵)

特によう見とる:🥩 / ☕ / 🔶 / 🐾🏵 || 👻 / 🥃 / 🌶 / 🎃 / ☯ / 🥼🌱😺

推しユニット/コラボ:🥩🐾🏵 / 🥩🔖 / 🧷🌌🔪🥩



┗ 無論不快な発言はしないよう意識してますが、もしお見掛けの上でご不快でしたらそっとブロックお願いします



┗ 少なくともXではCP絡みの話はしません(好き嫌いの話も含め)