• cheri
• she/her
• asian (mixed)
• en, th, kr, broken chi, jp (restudying pls pray 4 me)
• 20↑
• intj-t, enneagram type 8
• cat person
• forever stuck in crowrean brain rot phase until further notice
• a real crow stan! but also a rean mom if he dares to hurt my baby i'll k word him
• cats
• green tea
• grapes
• silly jokes
• room decorating
• fashion
• crowrean (top crow, bottom rean)
• ariana grande
• olivia rodrigo
• kpop
• late 90s/early 00s music esp rock
• you are racist
• you are homophobic
• you are into pedophilia
• you use the word 'tourist' to attack people bc that's hella lame
• you are a hypocritical and bitter reancrow shipper* who can't leave crowrean shippers alone
*the ship itself is fine. although i don't read it that way, i respect the preferences. unfortunately, from my experience, a bunch of the shippers are toxic and feel threatened by crowrean shippers and feel the need to shade us when we do nothing and i don't want to associate myself with people like that. don't take it personal if you're a normal stan, bc i'm not talking about you