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Foxxit/キツギ | 20⬆️ | TH/ENG/(日本語勉強中) | エラ4スレ,シャディミオ(リバOK!)(他のカプ食べられません) | 🔞 follow at your own risk | 🔕

I'm Foxxit*25/キツギ*25

I ship エラスレ(4ス本命だけどたまに5ス5(not恋愛)の話もするから注意) and シャディミオ(シャディ) (リバOK)

This account is mainly for rambling and ranting about GWitch.

I may talk about other topics such as FGO, GBF, Arknights etc. but not much.

I switch between three languages(TH/ENG/JP) on a whim and I'm unfortunately not very fluent with every language even if it's the native one(TH), so if you find that uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to unfollow/mute.

I hate GWitch official with burning passion so if you seriously think that GWitch is perfect enough, this account is not for you.

Re-uploading my works is not allowed.

Content Warning

I'm OK with 3L+(HL/BL/GL,...)

I often post sensitive contents that suitable only for adult over 18(preferably 20⬆️) so if you are under 18 please don't proceed to view my contents.

About NOTPs

スレミオ = 地雷



I ship only エラスレ and シャディミオ(シャディ) Other ships that involve Suletta and 5Nore(in a romantic sense) are my NOTPs. Please don't start any conversation or mention them(NOTPs) to me. If you do so, I will consider remove/mute/block you.

ปล. ไม่ชอบมุก "คนที่มาขัดขวางยูริสมควรตาย" มากๆค่ะ ถ้าเห็นจะ Block ทันทีค่ะ

Alternate SNS

Wavebox : If you have messages/emojis you want to send to me feel free to drop it here


Poipiku: for posting sensitive contents.


Pixiv: for log/まとめ
